



Yow-Feng Agricultural Machinery Factory Co. Ltd. was established in 1969, founded by CEO, Mr. Li Hsiang at Feng Yuan  City, Taichung Hsien, right next to Yow-Feng train station. It was originally named 「Cheng-Feng Machinery」to produce and marketing rice grinder and dryer. Cheng-Feng Machinery operated in honesty and good reputation in local market and was re-named as 「Yow-Feng Agriculture Machinery Co. Ltd」in 1975 and expand it's products to international market.

Yow-Feng Agriculture Machinery worked with「Taiwan Agriculture Machinery Research and Development Center」(TTAMRDC), domestic universities and local agriculture research and extension station to develop Cheng-Feng peanut, millet dryer and branch grinder. Yow-Feng products had received many local and internation patents with high quality and innovation. Yow-Feng products are certified by Taiwan Agriculture Research Institute and local farmer can purchase with compensatory loan and allowance from Council of Agriculture, Taiwan.

Yow-Feng produces precision machine utilizing Japanese and German lathes. Yow-Feng powder coating machine, compliance with USA environment protection standard, which is most advance coating way in Taiwan. Yow-Feng also uses delicate parts and controls precisely in computerize management to deliver stable quality and offer perfect service resource and confidence to customers.Yow-Feng dryers can control temperature automatically, which can dehydrate corn, garlic, peanut and longan. Another is container exchange dryer, which can use in food, meat, cookies, seafood, fruit, ginseng and Chinese medicine.

The latest rice grinder is a recycled blow-up grinder. Its small volume and high efficiency can deliver best quality rice and locate in small, medium mill. There are 800 KG and 1200KG models, which are most popular exporting machine.
After entering WTOP, the low priced imported rice give local rice farmer a big hit. So local farmers turn to plant organic rice and high quality rice, which become a hit in consumer market. Although it's price is high, people take better rice. Yow-Feng rice grinder turn paddy to high quality rice and packed in supermarket without broken rice, sand, stone. The trimming branch of park, school or landscape after typhoon are always difficult to clean up. But it can be recycled to fertilization easily after grinding, which can reduce garbage amount and become fertilizer to the Mother Earth.

Yow-Feng Agricultural Machinery Factory built up reputation in pass 30 years with high quality products and service. Yow-Feng not only sell machine in local Markey, they also sell to Indonesia, Saudi Arab, Brazil, Haiti, Malawi, Paraguay and other Latin America countries. Taiwan government also purchase Yow-Feng Agriculture Machiney to support other country. Current, Yow-Feng Agriculture's main products are Rice Grinder, Dryer and Branch Grinde.


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右豐實業股份有限公司 於西元1969年(民國58年)成立,從事農業機械,碾米機、乾燥機製造與銷售。因公司誠信與熱衷發展優良技術之經營方式,頗受消費者肯定,因此業務量遞增,並將其產品推展至國際市場。






我國加入WTO國際組織後,進口米對我國稻米價格衝擊 很大,使農民必須改種有機米、良質米。雖然價格較高,但對人體的健康非常有幫助,所以一般消費者會接受。該公司研發碾米機整套設備,稻穀進料到糙米或白米 出料過程,經過選石機將白米、碎米、石子、雜物排出,白米經過計量機、真空包裝機後,就是一包包市面上所賣的白米。


右豐實業股份有限公司產品累積四十多年專家經驗,品質好,服務好, 甚受好評。本公司產品除了銷售全國各地農村外並外銷世界各地,例如印尼、沙烏地阿拉伯、索羅門群島、甘比亞、布吉納法索、巴西、海地、馬拉威、巴拉圭、中 南美洲等數十個國家。外交部、國合會、國外農技團對該公司的產品頗為讚賞,多年來經常採購援外。目前公司的主力產品為碾米機、乾燥機和枝葉粉碎機。